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Unit 16: Double Your Enquiries With Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Double Your Enquiries with Facebook Ads

The Secrets to Getting Your Business in Front of Brides For Less than $1!

Ok, so by this stage you should have a facebook business page for your wedding business,  complete with your company logo, location, and photos of your work.wersm-facebook-mobile-graph-search

Now we are going to show you an advanced level way of getting more enquiries for your wedding service.

Merely just being on Facebook isn’t enough to get you seen in front of the right audience and increase your wedding bookings.  Thankfully there is a cheap and cost effective way to get in front of brides in your city-  for less then $1!

In this e-class we are going to show you the power of Facebook ads-  ‘paid advertising’ from Facebook.  This is different to simply doing a post in facebook,  or ‘promoting  your post’.  A Facebook ad is a ‘sponsored ad’  that gets shown to users in their news feed, and  if the user clicks on the ad, they get taken straight to your website where they can enquire about your service.

How To Create A Facebook Ad- The Right Way

Ok, some of you may have created a facebook ad before,  but there are some additional tips that I will give you to make your facebook ad performs even better then before,  and cost you less per click.  If you select the wrong options when creating your ad-  it can cost you up to 4 times more money-  so make sure you watch the video below for the tricks of the trade!

Setting Up Your Facebook Ad- Video Tutorial


Why Do We Love Facebook Ads As A Marketing Method?

Well, 70% of brides are on Facebook on a regular basis  for one.  Secondly,  facebook has some brilliant targeting features, that allows you to only show your ad to females  (or males)  getting married-  in your city.  This is brilliant because you won’t waste your money marketing to the wrong crowd.  It’s also brilliant because its low cost, and you get immediate results.  If you don’t have a lot of marketing budget, you can set a target for $5 per day if you like!  You are in control, and you can get people visiting your website and seeing what you do for less then $1 per customer!

Most wedding businesses have a fantastic website, but don’t have much traffic coming to their website.  Without  traffic to your website, you cat get enquiries, and without enquiries, you cant get a sale!  So, Facebook ads are a great way to get targeted, and genuine brides visit your website, for a low cost.


Facebook Ads-  Hot Tips- The Winning Strategy


1.  Before you set up your facebook ad, make sure your business website page that you are going to send traffic to has a ‘web opt-in form’  or ‘enquiry form’  on it.  This can be a ‘pop over’ form, or a simple enquiry form.  The simpler the better.  But its a must- as you don’t want people to have to click to another page in order to enquire.  You want to make it as simple and easy as possible.

2. Don’t have too many questions in your ‘web-form’ or ‘enquiry form’-  just ‘name’, ’email’, ‘phone’ and one additional box- like ‘wedding date’  or ‘ wedding service wanted’.  You can ask further details later.   ( The simpler the form, the more likely someone will enquire-  no one likes filling out long forms.

3. Make sure your website is mobile friendly.  View your website from your mobile phone, and make sure things look ok, and are easy to read.  ( Many people will see your ad on facebook from their mobile phone, and will therefore view your  website from their mobile device..)


1. Make sure when you create the ad that you select the objective as ‘ Website Conversions’.

2. Select the exact page you want people to visit on your website-  which has the main service you want to promote- and the web form or enquiry form. (so don’t just put your home page of your website-  give the exact url of the page of your website that you want visitors to land on or view.)

3. Make sure that you target the ad to only show to ‘ females’  in 25-45 year age group.  ( or select the target market that best suits your service)

4. Make sure you select  ‘ users that have their relationship status as ‘engaged’.  ( this way your ad will only show to brides.)

5. Create a ‘Carousel Ad’  ( this is the ad with multiple pictures)  this usually creates more interest.

6.  Use a ‘call to action button’ like ‘shop now’ or ‘learn more’.  ( this increases the amount of people to click on your ad)



1. Watch the video tutorial above to learn the secrets of creating a ‘winning’ facebook ad.

2. Design a Facebook Ad For your Business.  Select images to use in your ad, and think about a targeted service that you would like to promote. Make sure your website is mobile friendly, and as a Web form on it.

3. Think about a marketing budget for your business to market your wedding service.  If you have a marketing spend to use right now, place a Facebook Ad with your budget.

4. Check the performance of your facebook ad every week to see the ‘cost per website click’  and the amount of people that clicked on your ad and viewed your website. Check the amount of enquiries you received in the same week.  Was it more then usual?  If so your facebook ads are working!!

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